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Ministry of Health (MOH) subsidy and funding schemes
Depending on your circumstances and your type of hearing loss, you may qualify for the MOH Hearing Aid Funding Scheme or the MOH Hearing Aid Subsidy Scheme.
The Hearing Aid Funding Scheme?
The Ministry of Health’s Hearing Aid Funding Scheme covers the cost of hearing aids for eligible children and adults that are New Zealand residents who ordinarily live in New Zealand. People are eligible if they:
- have had a significant hearing loss from childhood, or
- have hearing loss and a significant visual impairment (for example, Deafblind); or hearing loss and an intellectual disability or a physical disability that limits their ability to communicate safely and effectively, or
- have a Community Services Card and are:
- in paid employment for 30 hours per week or more, or
- a registered job seeker seeking paid employment, or
- doing voluntary work (more than 20 hours per week), or
- studying full time, or
- caring full time for a dependent person.
Learn more about the MOH Hearing Aid Funding Scheme
The Hearing Aid Subsidy Scheme
The Ministry of Health’s Hearing Aid Subsidy Scheme provides $511.11 (including GST) per hearing aid to adults (over the age of 16) who have a permanent hearing loss and need a hearing aid, are New Zealand residents who ordinarily live in New Zealand and who are not covered under the Hearing Aid Funding Scheme.
Other funding options
Funding and subsidies from the Ministry of Health (MOH) Hearing Aid Schemes are not the only way for you to invest in your hearing.
Audika can also work with you to determine if you are eligible for funding or a subsidy through the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC)2. If no funding or subsidies are available, Audika offers fee-free, interest free payment plans1 to help make your hearing solutions more affordable.
Click here for further information on payment plans.
2 New Zealand Government subsidies and ACC cover support may be available to make treatment more affordable for you. New Zealand Ministry of Health and ACC Programs are only available to eligible clients and conditions apply.