image shows woman with Conductive hearing loss holding her hand to her ear
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30,000 New Zealander's

What is conductive hearing loss?

Conductive hearing loss occurs in the outer or middle part of the ear, where sound is converted to vibrations and sent to the inner ear. This type of hearing loss refers to issues with transferring sound waves (due to a blockage or other impediment.)

Excessive ear wax, a ruptured ear drum, or even ear infections can result in conductive hearing loss.

Hearing loss types

Image shows where conductive  hearing loss occurs in the ear
Image shows man during hearing test

Book a FREE* hearing check

Use the form below or quote the 'Audika' website when booking your appointment. All fields required.
Question 1 of 1
Have you had a hearing test in the last 12 months?

Step 1 of 5

What causes conductive hearing loss?

Conductive hearing loss is a type of hearing loss that is often easily identifiable. The following causes have been associated with this type of hearing loss:

  • Wax build-up
  • Fluid in the ear
  • Ear infections
  • Damage to the ear drum
  • Trauma
  • Diseases such as osteoporosis

What is the difference between conductive and sensorineural hearing loss?

Hearing loss is divided into the following categories (based on which part of the ear is damaged): sensorineural, conductive, and mixed hearing loss.

Conductive hearing loss is usually the result of a disruption to the sound's path as it travels from the outer/middle ear to the inner ear, while sensorineural hearing loss occurs when the delicate nerve fibres of the inner ear become damaged.

Mixed hearing loss occurs when both sensorineural and conductive hearing loss occur in the same ear.

Sensorineural hearing loss

3 signs of conductive hearing loss

Conductive hearing loss is sometimes accompanied by pain or discomfort - or the feeling that "something is wrong" in the ear. Other common signs of conductive hearing loss may include:

Image shows woman holding hand  close to her ear
1. Speech and other sounds seem distant or muffled
Image shows woman holding head due to pain
2. Pain, pressure, or discharge in the ear
Image shows woman holding ear  with her hand due to discomfort
3. A feeling of "fullness" in the ear
Image shows audiologist showcasing  hearing aids to a couple in the hearing clinic

Treatment for conductive hearing loss

Time may be all that is needed to recover from less severe cases of conductive hearing loss. In other cases, conductive hearing loss can be treated medically in one of the following ways:

  • Antibiotics and anti-fungal medications can treat hearing loss caused by an ear infection
  • Surgery may be recommended to repair damages to the eardrum or middle ear, if present
  • Hearing aids may also be an option if other forms of treatment have not been sufficient
  • Bone anchored hearing systems

Book an appointment Hearing loss treatment

Alex Law - Group Clinical and Sales Trainer

Audiologist MNZAS CCC, MAud(Hons) BSc

Alex graduated from the University of Auckland Audiology course in 2012 then started his Audiology career in the public sector for seven years at both Manukau SuperClinic, Greenlane Hospital, and Starship Children’s Hospital.

He is now into his sixth year working at Audika New Zealand, working as both a clinician and clinical trainer. He is also an NZAS (New Zealand Audiological Society) CCC’s examiner which he has done for the past seven years. "It is a rewarding experience being able to see how helping someone hear better brings joy to not only the hearing aid user but their family as well".

One of Alex's passions is supervision and helping audiologists grow in both knowledge and clinical skills, which was the driving force for him taking on the role of clinical trainer.
Throughout his time in audiology he has supervised a large number of university students through their public and private placements, as well as provisional audiologists through their CCC’s year.


Last reviewed 2024-07-01